Privacy Policy

Data Processing Policy

1. Introduction

This "Privacy Policy" sets forth the activities of personal data processing carried out by the Non-Profit Association Poco2h, with registered office at C/Jorge Juan 75, Quinto izquierda, Madrid 28009, provided with CIF: G42956144 (hereinafter: Poco2h) through its website / (hereinafter "Website"). This Privacy Policy is subject to the "General Terms of Use" that regulate the "Website," and the user of the Website (hereinafter: the "User") must accept this Privacy Policy in order to use any service offered through it (hereinafter, interchangeably: the "Service" and/or "Services") or provide any data through the Website. In relation to the processing of personal data through the Websites, Poco2h informs the User of the following:


2. Basic Information


All data provided by the User, when registering or when using some of the Services and/or entering personal data in any section of the Website, are included in a database managed by Poco2h within the scope of providing its Services and/or managing the Website.


In this section, we summarize the basic information about our Privacy Policy. In the next section, you will find it expanded, and to resolve any doubts you can contact the email address indicated above ⏤ in the section called "E-mail," in the previous table⏤ .


Additional Information


3. What personal data do we collect?


The data collected by Poco2h through the Website are processed solely for the purpose of managing the Services requested by the User or to address requests, doubts, or questions raised by the User through the Website or by any other enabled means.


In this regard, Poco2h collects and processes the following categories of data from the User:

  • "Identifying Data": name/s, surname/s, position, role, email, images, videos and/or telephone number.
  • "Economic, Financial, or Banking Data", if applicable.
  • "Academic and Professional Data": education/qualifications, student history, professional experience, membership in colleges or professional associations, among others.


4. How are personal data used?


The User's personal data are used for the following purposes:


4.1. In general, the User's data will be used to manage, control, expand, and improve the Services, address their requests, doubts, or questions of a commercial and/or technical nature raised in relation to them, give them access to the sections of the Services that require identification, and provide other Services and functionalities of the Website offered at all times. This processing is based on the execution of the contract for the provision of Services.


4.2. To communicate to the User, by email or other electronic means, information related to the contracted services, news and value-added improvements, as well as related activities and training. This data processing is carried out under the contractual relationship between both parties to carry out such data processing in accordance with current regulations, unless otherwise indicated or the User opposes.


4.3. To communicate to the User, by email or other electronic means, information about products and services, industry news, as well as related activities and events of Poco 2h and other commercial information that Poco2h may consider appropriate.


4.4. To manage and maintain your job application to Poco2h when you send us your application to participate in a selection process. This processing is based on the consent of the User and the legitimate and mutual interest of Poco2h and the User, as indicated in the privacy information that the User must accept prior to submitting their application.


If Poco2h requires further processing of the User's personal data or for a purpose other than those collected in this Privacy Policy, it will be informed in advance, including all legally required information, as well as the purposes intended for such processing.


5. Mandatory nature of the responses and truthfulness of the information


The User guarantees that the data provided are true, accurate, complete, and up-to-date, being responsible for any direct or indirect damage that may arise as a result of non-compliance with this obligation.


Unless the User has the corresponding authorizations, the communication to Poco2h of data relating to third parties is prohibited. The User guarantees that they have obtained the consent of such persons for the communication to Poco2h, informing them in advance of the terms set out in the conditions established in this Privacy Policy of Poco2h, and Poco2h cannot validate this issue in advance. For this reason, responsibility for any infringements of the rights of third parties due to the information exchanged through the Website will be solely of the User.


However, Poco2h may carry out the necessary verifications to verify this fact, adopting the due diligence measures that correspond, in accordance with current regulations.


6. Who can process my data?


Only authorized staff of Poco2h can process the User's personal information for the purposes described above. However, personal data contained in the systems may be accessed, processed, monitored, or reviewed in the event of a potential breach of the General Terms of Use that regulate the Website, as well as the Services, or to comply with legal requirements of Poco2h, jurisdictional bodies, or other competent public authorities.


7. Who receives my data?


Poco2h will not disclose to third parties the personal information provided by the User through any means we have in operation, except when necessary for the provision of its services or in cases where disclosure is required by current legislation, court order, or by a competent governmental, judicial, or other authority.


8. How long do we keep our Users' data?


The data processing carried out by Poco2h is exclusively for the time necessary to manage and/or provide the services, respond to User requests, or, in case the User has requested to receive information, until they unsubscribe from said communication medium. Subsequently, if necessary, Poco2h will keep the information blocked for the legally established periods.


In the case of data provided in relation to personnel selection processes in which you wish to participate, they will be kept for the duration of the corresponding open selection process.


9. What are the rights of Users when they provide us with their data?


The User may exercise their rights of access, rectification, limitation of processing, deletion, forgetfulness, and opposition, as well as the right to withdraw consent or, if applicable, portability, by contacting in writing: Non-Profit Association Poco2h with address at C/ Jorge Juan 75, Quinto izquierda, Madrid 28009, or through our email address indicated above, stating in the subject of the email the word: "RIGHTS"; and providing the necessary documents to verify their identity.


Likewise, the User may file, if applicable, a complaint with the competent data protection authority in Spain /


10. What security measures are applied to data processing?


Poco2h guarantees confidentiality in communications and personal data, and for this purpose adopts all necessary technical, organizational, and security measures to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, availability, and resilience of the systems, as well as to restore their availability and access to personal data quickly in case of a physical or technical incident, in accordance with current legislation and taking into account the nature, context, purposes of the processing, etc.; to keep such data properly protected and to use the data only for the purposes established in this Privacy Policy, considering the state of technology, the nature of the data, and the risks to which they are exposed.


All this, without prejudice to compliance with the legal requirements that may be made to Poco2h in each case.


In the event of security or integrity incidents or threats and vulnerabilities, Poco2h may temporarily or definitively deactivate, in whole or in part, the services and/or the Website, block access to them, and notify the competent authorities, with a view to preventing, avoiding, or reducing the consequences of such incidents.


However, Poco2h is not responsible in case of unauthorized access or loss of personal information that is beyond its control.


In cases where Poco2h has service providers for the maintenance or management of services and/or the Website located outside the European Union, these international transfers comply with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data ("GDPR"), as well as related regulations in this matter in each Member State of the European Union ⏤ specifically, in Spain, by way of example and not limitation, we refer to the following data protection regulations: Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights⏤; considering Poco2h's commitment to the protection, integrity, and security of Users' personal data.


11. External links


The Website may contain links to other websites and/or forms or services managed by third parties. This Privacy Policy does not cover the practices and policies of these other third-party owners in relation to such third-party websites or services.


Poco2h does not control such third-party websites and/or forms or services. The User should consult and review the privacy policies of such third-party websites and/or services before clicking on them or using them.


In the event that options are offered on the Website to disclose information through social media plugins (such as those offered by Facebook or Twitter), the user is aware that social media plugins and applications are operated by the social network itself and are subject to its own terms and conditions of use and privacy and cookie policies, which are different from those of this Website.


12. General


Poco2h reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy, notifying such change to the User through the same Website.


Poco2h will publish any changes or modifications on its Website and advises the User to regularly consult the updated Privacy Policy. If Poco2h informs or applies specific privacy conditions to certain content, product, and/or Service, these prevail in case of conflict with this Privacy Policy.


If any provision of this Privacy Policy, or part thereof, is declared illegal, invalid, or unenforceable by a competent administrative or judicial authority, it shall be deemed not to have been made, without prejudice to the other provisions.


13. Authorization


In accordance with the provisions established above, the User hereby authorizes Poco2h to process their data.

Cookie Policy

1. Introduction


We inform you that on and on we use cookies in order to facilitate the use and navigation through our website (hereinafter "Website") and improve its quality according to your browsing habits and styles as a User.


2. What are cookies?


They are files that are downloaded to the computer, Smartphone, tablet, or any other User device when accessing a website. Through cookies, the owner of a website can store or retrieve certain information about different variables, such as: knowing the use and performance of a website, ensuring User navigation when browsing a website, among other aspects. Likewise, we inform you that blocking all cookies could disable certain functionalities of our Website as well as services through it.


3. What types of cookies do we use on our Website?


On our Website you may find the following types of cookies, which we detail below:


3.1. Types of cookies according to the entities that manage them.


We will find one type of cookie or another, depending on the entity that manages the equipment or domain from which the cookies are sent and processes the data collected through them. In this sense, we distinguish the following:

  • Own cookies: those sent to the User's terminal equipment from our Website and managed by Poco2h.
  • Third-party cookies: those sent to the User's terminal equipment from a device or domain not managed by Poco2h but by another entity that processes the data obtained through:,, and

3.2. Types of cookies according to the length of time they remain active on the terminal equipment.


In this classification, we distinguish between two types of cookies:

  • Session cookies: through these, data is collected and stored when the User accesses the Website. Its functionality is as follows: the cookie is stored on your terminal equipment until the User's browsing session ends.
  • Persistent cookies: as the name indicates, in this type of cookies, the data will remain stored on the terminal equipment. The data processing will be carried out for a period of time defined by the cookie controller.

3.3. Types of cookies according to their purpose.


In this classification, we distinguish between three types:

  • Technical cookies: through which the User is allowed to navigate through the Website and use the different options or services available on it (e.g., control traffic and data communication, identify the session, access restricted access areas, use security elements during navigation, or store content for the dissemination of videos or sound or share content through social networks).
  • Personalization cookies: give the User access to services with some predefined characteristics based on a series of criteria on each User's terminal equipment (e.g., the type of browser being used, etc.).
  • Analytical cookies: this type of cookies allows quantifying the number of Users. In this way, the measurement and statistical analysis of the use made by Users on the Website are carried out. The purpose pursued through this cookie is to improve our Website. As of today, analytical cookies, third-party cookies, session cookies, and/or persistent cookies are not used on our Website for this purpose.

4. Who uses cookies?


The information obtained through cookies on this Website may be used by both Poco2h and a third party providing a service to Poco2h.


5. How does the User manage cookies?


In view of the information provided through our Cookies Policy, we indicate below how you can manage the cookies we use through our Website. This is possible through the different options offered by the most common browsers (e.g., Explorer, Safari, Chrome, and Firefox.). If the installation of all cookies is prevented, we inform you that, as already mentioned earlier, certain functionalities of our Website as well as services through it could be disabled.


6. How to view cookies?


The browsers mentioned offer the User the possibility to manage the cookies installed by a specific website, obtain information regarding their duration, and the possibility of deleting them, as some contents may be affected.


7. How to deactivate or delete cookies?


To deactivate, restrict, block, or delete cookies, we inform you that as a User we provide you with the default settings according to the browser you are using on your terminal equipment. Below we indicate the following configuration options:


7.1. Reject all cookies.


7.2. Notice by the browser prior to the installation of any cookie, and decide whether to accept the installation of it or not.


7.3. Have the browser reject third-party cookies.


7.4. Use "incognito" or private mode. This mode allows the installation of cookies, but they are automatically deleted when the browsing session on the Website ends.


8. How to manage cookies in each browser?


Internet Explorer:





