1. Introduction


For your Mindfunginess training to be successful, it's not enough to attend the initial 60 sessions to learn personal growth  and meditation techniques. It's essential that you also kickstart the process of transforming your habits over the next 10 months. This  concrete process is what we call Mindgymness.


To achieve this goal, we will share with you via Drive and WhatsApp our own methodology based on advice, forms, alerts, and statistics about your progress, which will facilitate your journey of change and overcoming addiction to your old, cherished habits.

2. Process
Step 1: After completing the first 60 sessions, choose and prioritize the habits you want to change based on your tree of life, if you haven't done so during that part of the process. Remember, they don't have to be drastic challenges. We recommend starting with easy habits. For example, changing your eating habits regarding all the ingredients is much more complicated than reducing the amount of salt or beer you consume.
Step 2: To ensure success in achieving your goals, follow a series of tips, which we include in this document, to facilitate success in your mission.
Step 3: Schedule your goals. We propose the formula of 1-2-3-4 changes of habits per month and maintaining one habit change per week, but it's up to you.We recommend that you only challenge yourself with 1 habit  in month 3, 2 in month 4, 3 in month 5, and 1 per week starting from month 6.
Step 4: Please fill out the forms we provide weekly via Drive for your self-assessment on habit change. Without these filled forms, you won't be able to access statistical information about your progress in the habit change process. This information is key for you to track advances and setbacks.
Step 5: If you don't meet your expectations regarding a habit in any period, don't get frustrated. Keep going, step back if needed. After uphill battles, downhill ones always come. It's not easy.

3. Tips to Facilitate Your Habits Change

1. Choose your habits to change in line with your new models of reality: As you've seen during your first 60 sessions, it's crucial to be resilient and achieve extraordinariness by having a clear understanding of your ability to transform habits and ensuring they align with your models of reality in different areas of the tree of life you've chosen to focus on.

For example, if you've decided to become much healthier in the health and fitness area, make sure you change your eating habits. If your new reality model in the financial area is to generate more income to have new travel experiences, make sure to start saving, or if in the spiritual area of your tree of life you've decided to connect with your consciousness through meditation, make sure you gradually turn this technique into a habit.

2. When starting a new habit, it shouldn't take more than 2 minutes: Suppose you have already identified the first habit you want to change. To put it into practice, it's best to create a version of this habit that lasts less than 2 minutes. The idea is to associate a specific action with that habit. Following the example of the 3 areas of your life tree from the previous point, let's suppose your goal is to change your diet and increase your intake of vegetables, fruit, and nuts while reducing processed foods. Start ordering vegan food delivery by phone. Or suppose you want to save money for traveling, make a transfer to your savings account every time you go out to dinner with friends, transferring the same amount to yourself. If your goal is to meditate, identify this new habit by simply putting on comfortable clothes. As you can see, the examples of associated action versions in each of the 3 previous examples don't take more than two minutes.

3. Choose the right time and place to practice your new habit: It's about maintaining a temporal and spatial routine in relation to the habit you want to transform. If the habit is changing your diet, change the space where you normally eat and move up the time you typically have breakfast, lunch, or dinner to prepare your new healthy meals. If you can't change the space, change your position at the table. If it's about saving money, the space for transferring to your account can be your home, always upon returning from dinner with friends. If the habit change pertains to meditation, the space should be tranquil, and you should wake up each morning  20 minutes earlier to execute it.

4. Design an inducing scenery to make it easier to undertake the habit change: If the  new habit is changing your diet, place a whiteboard or notepad in the kitchen and list your shopping items with healthy ingredients. If the new habit involves saving money, set a picture of the paradise you want to visit as the wallpaper on your mobile phone. And if the new habit is meditation, accompany the practice with music that brings you serenity and dim lighting.

5. Automate your habit change by assimilating the change to a new environment: So that the implementation of the new habit occurs in friendly environments. In the case of changing your diet, it's better to remove processed foods from your pantry or fridge. If that's not possible because you live with others, find another space to eat outside of home until you've managed to regulate that habit. Perhaps a park? In the case of saving money, visit frequently your travel destination via web to make the transfer to your savings account a happy moment. As for meditation, download motivating apps like this one from Mindfulness.

6. Accumulate positive sensations and habits in the same experience to succeed in your challenge: The idea is for your brain to associate the habit change with a pleasant experience. For example, in the case of healthy eating, reward yourself with your favorite music while you eat. In the case of saving money, try to frequent tempting restaurants with your friends specializing in the cuisine of your future travel destinations, to make it easier for you to make the subsequent transfer or donation to your savings account. As for meditation, treat yourself to a lavish breakfast after finishing, to reward yourself for meditating

7. Create commitment mechanisms: Mechanisms to induce you to put that habit into practice. In the case of healthy eating, commit yourself to eating slowly to savor what you consume. In the case of saving money, set an alarm on your phone when you finish dinner with colleagues, so you don't forget to transfer the money to your savings account. In the case of meditation, your commitment mechanism is the alarm clock, in case you practice meditation upon waking up in bed.

8. Reward yourself when you meet your habit change: With rewards that bring you satisfaction and foster positivity in the rest of the habits you want to change. For example, in the case of changing habits to healthy eating for a week, you can reward yourself when you achieve your goals, you can rewards yourself  with a massage, a bubble bath, or a hike in the forest. Saving for your trips already has a reward at the end of the journey, but perhaps you can reward yourself with reading books about your destination. And you can reward your progress in meditation with sunsets or sunrises.

9. Antidote against failure: As you saw in the session on the 28th, the idea is to establish adjustment points in practicing your habits. These could be the notches on your belt or the readings on your scale, in the case of healthy eating. It could be the balance in your savings account or the frequency of your meditation sessions. And if you fail, don't worry. If you don't reach your goal one week, aim to increase it the following week. For example, if you found your balance point to be at x kilograms, try reducing an additional 100 grams the following week by consuming fewer calories, or double your donation to your savings account if you missed it during your last dinner. Alternatively, dedicate an extra 5 minutes to meditation in the next session if you missed a day. The aim is to turn a failure into a challenge, not a punishment.

​10. Historize your progress: Tell yourself how you've progressed since the beginning of the habit change process, rating from 1 to 10 in the appropriate document on your drive, week by week, your advancements or setbacks. For this purpose, we provide you with a weekly questionnaire that turns into statistics.

11. Share your challenge: Your people can help you achieve your challenges. If you allow us and provide us with their data, we will share your goals with them and keep them informed of your progress and setbacks on a weekly basis. Choose up to 3 people from your important circle who care about your habit changes. We'll take care of the rest.

12. Meditate on your Habit Change: To confront your challenges, it's important to practice mindfulness frequently and if possible daily. And during phases 2 and 5, you have a good opportunity to review your progress. In phase 2, it's beneficial to thank yourself for your progress in habit change when practicing gratitude. In phase 5, when you visualize your perfect day, it's beneficial to incorporate your new habits into your review of your future day.

4. Form on Habit Change

To help you meet your goals regarding habit change, here's a questionnaire to fill out each time you change a habit.

1. What habits do I want to change? 




2. What version of the 2-minute habit have I created? 




3. What is the time for the new habit?




4. What is the new space?




5. How is your new scenography in the new space to practice the new habit? 




6. What changes have you made in your environment to implement the new habit?




7. What positive sensations and habits have you accumulated in your new experience?




8. What is your commitment mechanism for the new habit?




9. What is your reward?




10. What set points have you established?




11. What time do I want to be notified each day?




12. Which people do you want to share your challenge with?




5. Alerts

In the app menu, under notifications, you'll find the way to communicate  us at what time you want us to remind you of your habit change exercises.

6. Rate Yourself

In the Drive, which we'll open for you, you'll find a table to rate your progress in each habit change. Only from this information  can we  compile statistics about your progress. And share them with your people.

7. Summary

1. Download your App, and after completing the training sessions and meditation sessions, you can start the journey to transform your habits.


2. When you reach day 60, we'll send you access via email to Drive, where you'll find instructions, forms for each habit change, advice, self-assessment tests, and statistics.


3. When you notify us of the time and frequency of receiving alerts, you'll start receiving them on WhatsApp.


4. When you give us permission to tell your loved ones about your progress, we will send them your statistics via email.

8. Note
Remember that all the data about habit changes you provide will be processed in an anonymized way, so that after completing your Mindfunginess training, you can access a speaking avatar based on AI, which is fed with all the information you've reflected in the forms and tests you've filled out throughout the process. So you'll have an AI-based mental hygiene service for life. This product is not available today, so there may be setbacks in the R&D process that prevent us from offering this service.