Your Mindkidness Guide

First of all, let me tell you that when practicing Mindkidness, it's good to approach it with the mindset of a child, which will greatly facilitate the challenge of improving and changing habits. It's also recommended to do it alongside other people, whether it's your partner, children, family members, or friends, so that the challenge of changing habits or meditating becomes easier and you don't give up along the way.

Whenever possible, it's advisable to situate yourself in a quiet space with good sound equipment or headphones within reach to perceive the music accompanying all meditations and lessons.

The Mindkidness training consists of 4 complementary thematic areas:

The first part, which we call Mindfunginess, will help you learn how to change your models of reality (beliefs) and life systems (habits) to transform yourself, through the engineering of your consciousness, into an unbeatable being in order to achieve extraordinariness, as Vishen Lakhiani preaches. Each of the 40 sessions, lasting 20 minutes, has an average of 3 minutes of theory, 7 minutes of exercises, and 10 minutes of relaxing images and music for reflection and assimilation of the notions learned. The content of some sessions is challenging due to its density, although we have tried to present the content in a very digestible way. But since the theoretical part of the pieces does not exceed 3 minutes, I suggest revisiting them if you miss something.

The second block of 20 sessions, interspersed with the previous ones, called Mindfunness Adults, is aimed at teaching you to practice the 6-phase meditation designed by Vishen Lakhiani. Instead of demanding that you keep your mind still, like other types of meditation, he suggests dedicating an average of 3 minutes to 6 different topics. Three of them focused on your present, such as practicing compassion with your peers, gratitude, and forgiveness. And three moments dedicated to your future. Your future vision projected 3 years ahead, your day-to-day designing pleasant environments and experiences for yourself, ending with your own blessing for future events. To help you meditate, we have created very special music from the waves of us magical mushrooms, accompanied by fractal images that, as you know, have their origin in the plant world.

The meditations are divided into 3 blocks of 6 sessions, preceded by 2 explanatory sessions, and they are all interspersed between the training sessions, 1 day yes and 2 days no. In the first block, we explain each of the topics in a single session. In the second block of 6 sessions, we help you remember with words as well as with a gong strike the change of topic, every 3 minutes. And in the third block, you fly solo with the help of the gong. It's recommended that in the third block, dedicated to practicing the change of your habits, you continue with the meditations. It will make the journey much easier. But if you want to make it even easier, you can practice the version for children, which includes landscapes and characters that will facilitate the association with the different topics.

The third and final block, which we call Mindgymness, is focused on helping you gradually change your habits. One in month 3, 2 in month 4, 3 in month 5, and 4 in month 6 and beyond. To achieve this, we have prepared a battery of guided documents on Drive, which are interconnected to each other to statistically measure your results so that you can be aware of your progress and setbacks over time. Think of this as the most important phase of your training, after attending the training and meditation sessions of the app. It's your mental gymnastics, to truly achieve genuine mental hygiene.

In the case of meditation for children, it consists of 6 stories based on the 6 topics of the Six Phases meditation for adults, so that they can meditate together. The children's stories aim to transport the child to landscapes and characters associated with compassion, forgiveness, or gratitude, among other themes, so that they can easily identify those landscapes and characters with each topic of the meditation. Once they know the story, they can meditate without the app in front of them, or perhaps they prefer to rely on its images to concentrate more easily. It's advisable for them to practice with an adult nearby and for this adult to help them focus their attention by changing topics every 3 minutes.

Happy Mindkidness training!
